The New Constitutional Clause for our Distinguished Fellows (DF)
The Council wishes to confer an honour on individuals who have provided enduring and exemplar services to the Association and its members. This service shall be over an extended period of years and shall have produced considerable value to the Association. The service must have displayed, and have been acknowledged, to have provided great value to all members of the Association.
1. The honorary award shall be entitled, "A Distinguished Fellowship".
2. The award may be awarded an individual, but not an Organization.
3. The individual receiving such an award, will be entitled to call themselves a Distinguished Fellow of AAPBS.
4. The abbreviation of the honorific shall be DF (AAPBS).
5. The award may be made by the Council of AAPBS, on the recommendation of 3 full Member Schools.
6. AAPBS shall provide a nomination from suitable for the process.
7. The awards may be only presented at the Annual conference.
8. A Distinguished Fellow shall normally be entitled to remain a Distinguished Fellow for life.
9. If a Distinguished Fellow, in the opinion of Council by 75% majority, brings disrepute on their School,
profession, or AAPBS, then the Council may rescind the honour and title.
10. The number of living fellows would limit to 10.
11. Distinguished Fellows are afforded the privileges of title, and the free registration at the Annual Conference.
12. Distinguished Fellows may relinquish their honour and title at any time by writing to the Council with such a request stating the reason. Council shall normally accept such a resignation without question.
Lists of Distinguished Fellow of AAPBS
Prof. Sung Joo Park, KAIST College of Business
Prof. Toemsakdi Krishnamra, Sasin School of Management
Prof. Yingyi Qian, Tsinghua University
Prof. George Benwell, Otago Business School
Prof. Kono Hirokazu, Keio University
Prof. Pasu Decharin, Chulalongkorn Business School
Prof. Kenji Yokoyama, Nagoya University Business School